Monday, August 31, 2009

Top educational "things" I have learned on Twitter today, Monday, August 31

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What are we going to learn today? I ask this question daily before each class. The more I use the web microblogging tool Twitter, it is the question I ask before logging in. Twitter is a great tool for professional learning. To prove this, I have started this page/blog to track what I have leaned on Twitter proving to myself and others that it is worth the time. So here we go:

Twitter Empowered Teacher:

Monday, Augsut 31, 2009

@keisawilliams RT @TeachaKidd Download over 1M public domain books from Google books. (Very interested in digital books. Looks like a good resource.)
@RichWhite Senate Bill Would Give President Emergency Control of Internet --- ...NOOOOOO (Go intent, just wondering if it's the right thing.)
@rkiker RT @russeltarr: Vocaroo is a great recording tool. Easy peasy. (First time I have heard of Vacaroo. Looks like a easy tool.)
@web20classroom Study Tips For Students From Google... (Digital education at it's best.)
@coletteamber RT @fisher1000: Google Docs in class | Teaching and Learning in the Digital Age via (I love google docs. Always great to learn more ways to use.)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Top educational "Things" I learned on twitter today. Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Find education professionals to follow at

What are we going to learn today? I ask this question daily before each class. The more I use the web microblogging tool Twitter, it is the question I ask before logging in. Twitter is a great tool for professional learning. To prove this, I have started this page/blog to track what I have leaned on Twitter proving to myself and others that it is worth the time. So here we go:

Twitter Empowered Teacher:

Wednesday, August 26, 2009
@ShellTerrell RT @esolcourses: RT @russeltarr: Great tips on working with YouTube URLs (incl. embeddng only part of a video) : (Change the embeded youtube to what you really want the students to see)
@johnfaig iPhone/iPod Apps for K-12 via (Let's get students using the iphone/ipod for learning.)
@web20classroom Did you hear? You can now integrate video clips into your @animoto! (Animoto great tool, now using video clips.)
@kdwashburn Great insights & questions from @geraldaungst, Racing to Catch Up With the Past: #education ("Find ways inside the structure to start making changes toward a more student-centered, thinking- and problem-solving-oriented approach.")
lbraun2000 Hoping FB 2 Twitter integration makes it easier 2 promote fan page content on Twitter fd - just liek we do with blogs (May be a useful tool to many social media users.)
@ShellTerrell If you'd like an easy way to follow maj of members on #edchat check out via @RusselTarr (Tweet Clubs look really great, Can we use this in our classrooms?)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Top 5 educational "Things" I learned on twitter today, Tuesday, August 25

Find education professionals to follow at

What are we going to learn today? I ask this question daily before each class. The more I use the web microblogging tool Twitter, it is the question I ask before logging in. Twitter is a great tool for professional learning. To prove this, I have started this page/blog to track what I have leaned on Twitter proving to myself and others that it is worth the time. So here we go:

Twitter Empowered Teacher:

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
@SuzanneWhisler RT @dcolon1968 The Science of Motivation ("this for that, motivation techniques often do not work... So what is an effective motivation technique? Giving people autonomy and projects that they are vested-in is a much better motivation technique.")
@academicdave "technology isn't killing our ability to write. It's reviving it—and pushing our literacy in bold new directions" (A shift in the way we write is giving more people that chance to share and collaborate than ever before.)
@EdTech4Me RT @chadratliff Very interesting piece WIRED: Making Geeks Cool Could Reform Education (@tvanderark) #geeksrcool (Make geeky cool and you would have a culture where learning is at the forefront.)
@joevans Reading Wired Up: Tuned out Today's D/N stus need a school enviro that both challenges +channels their tech-savvy brains. (Yes our kids are more wired than ever before, how are we as teachers going to use these skills to help them be productive members of society?)
@EdTech4Me RT @coolcatteacher Blogged: #education Message to Educators: I Believe in You, Be An Angel of Kindness (As educators we need some motivation and inspiration also.)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Top 5 educational "Things" I learned on Twitter today, Monday, August 24

Find education professionals to follow at

What are we going to learn today? I ask this question daily before each class. The more I use the web microblogging tool Twitter, it is the question I ask before logging in. Twitter is a great tool for professional learning. To prove this, I have started this page/blog to track what I have leaned on Twitter proving to myself and others that it is worth the time. So here we go:

Twitter Empowered Teacher:

Monday, August 24, 2009

@bigenhoc Alternate Reality Games for Learning- Sat Aug 29 at #liveclass20. Join me for the game and learn. More info at #necc (I have never been in an alternate reality game, but for the purpose of learning I need to someday.)
@SuzanneWhisler Lots of examples of how to use VoiceThread in your classroom at all levels. (Resources are always good.)
@ShellTerrell Gr8 tips & links! RT @Larryferlazzo: The Best Ways For Students Or Teachers To Create A Website #edtech #elearning (I was amazed by all the web site tools that I didn't know about.)
@ShiftParadigm RT @langwitches I like the word "readicide" killing the love for reading. 10 Alternatives to Book Reports. (Love the list of alternatives to a book report.)
@ShiftParadigm RT @edutopia: Toss the Traditional Textbook #education (via @kdwashburn) (Are your ready to start writing your own curriculum?)

Friday, August 21, 2009

Top 5 Educational "Things" learned on Twitter today. Friday, August 21, 2009

Find education professionals to follow at

What are we going to learn today? I ask this question daily before each class. The more I use the web microblogging tool Twitter, it is the question I ask before logging in. Twitter is a great tool for professional learning. To prove this, I have started this page/blog to track what I have leaned on Twitter proving to myself and others that it is worth the time. So here we go:

Twitter Empowered Teacher:

Friday, August 21, 2009

@irasocol RT @billgx: New blog post: Free Tools You Really Use (Yes, I use most of these tools. Needed a good screen capture, I'll take a look at Camstudio )
@brueckj23 Reading 'Can a school's culture of cheating be corrected?' Maybe w/ less emphasis on testing & more on learning? ( Expert calls for focus on learning, not testing, grades.)
@RT @web20classroom: I think @kellyhines is right on with her post on Procedures.... (Procedures are a key.)
@wfryer New blog post: Questioning the potential value of Skype and videoconferencing in the classroom? (Would love to Skype in the classroom. But don't have the tool to use.)
@gregaloha RT @tweetmeme TWEET IDEAS: 13 Things to Do on Twitter Besides Tweet (Good list, wasn't aware of FileSocial , provides a great way to send files smaller than 50 MB.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Top 5 Educational "Things" I learned on Twitter today. Thursday, August 20, 2009

Find education professionals to follow at

What are we going to learn today? I ask this question daily before each class. The more I use the web microblogging tool Twitter, it is the question I ask before logging in. Twitter is a great tool for professional learning. To prove this, I have started this page/blog to track what I have leaned on Twitter proving to myself and others that it is worth the time. So here we go:

Twitter Empowered Teacher:

Thursday, August 20, 2009

@AngelaMaiers How To Use Skype To Record Calls Or Conduct Interviews (The the tip on using HotRecorder, I haven't used Skype a whole lot, but maybe I should to bring outside teachers into the classroom.)
@stacybodin Differentiated Learning Site I compiled for NECC this summer. Might help newbies get started. (Integrating different styles of learning is a must for master teachers.)
@cami13 Will buy today "The world is Open:How Web Technology Is Revolutionizing Education" by C. Bonk -, via @cristinacost. (Trend in education technology should be analyzed to stay of top of best practices.)
@hubpages RT 16 Cool Twitter Tools for Firefox you will love. (Many new tools being added. Finding that ones that work for you is the task)
@mguhlin DiigoNotes: Online Education Beats the Classroom

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


What are we going to learn today? I ask this question daily before each class. The more I use the web microblogging tool Twitter, it is the question I ask before logging in. Twitter is a great tool for professional learning. To prove this, I have started this page/blog to track what I have leaned on Twitter proving to myself and others that it is worth the time. So here we go:

Twitter Empowered Teacher:
Find education professionals to follow at

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
@web20classroom Very organized lists of tools for Teaching with Technology.... (I agree, nice to have a list of all the tools that you can use.)
@jayantabanerjee Why notebook computers are great for students (I wonder when and if schools would require students to purchase as a part of their supplies for school?)
@kernkelley RT @drezac Why AT&T killed Google Voice. Super article! (Interesting article on how a new model of telecommunication might be shut out because the old model has the power.)
@Armano 8 uses of the @ symbol on Twitter @lendkendall (If you use twitter, you should know what to do with the @ sign.)
@mswojo RT @russeltarr: How to make a Youtube interactive video! Very cool idea for the classroom! (Leaning new ways of creating is part of the 21st century learning process.)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

What I have learned on Twitter today. Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Find education professionals to follow at

What are we going to learn today? This question is the question that I ask students daily. The more I use the web microblogging tool Twitter, it is the question I ask myself ask before logging in. I have found that Twitter can be a great tool for professional learning. To prove this, I have started this page to track what I have leaned on Twitter to prove to myself and others that it is worth the time. So here we go:

Twitter Empowered Teacher:

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
@mbarrow RT @esafety_officer Top 50 Internet Acronyms Parents Need to Know - How many did you know?? (I'll be honest I didn't know many)
@danfrench Where Obama is Getting Education “Wrong” @dwarlickJust posted "Where Obama is Getting Education 'Wrong'" on 2¢ Worth... (Good thoughts by David Warlick about the future of education. It’s new questions that will define our future. Today, we need graduates who can invent answers to the “new questions.”
@ShellTerrell Thanks @Epstein27! Your link looks very useful for quotes try this link (@burcuakyol) (You have to love a good source for motivation quotes.)
@marierush RT @russeltarr: Create drag-and-drop activities in Flash with no experience: #historyteacher RT @kellyhines (I was looking for a flash type tool to create projects. This may be it, I will need some time to explore and work with this tool.)
@jennyluca New post: What is a Ning?- ELH presentation Now to bed! (I have a .ning for middle school. Looking forward to developing this tool to promote social learning.)

Monday, August 17, 2009

What I learn from using Twitter!


Find education professionals to follow at

What are we going to learn today? This question is the question that I ask students daily. The more I use the web microblogging tool Twitter, it is the question I ask myself ask before logging in. I have found that Twitter can be a great tool for professional learning. To prove this, I have started this page to track what I have leaned on Twitter to prove to myself and others that it is worth the time. So here we go:

Twitter Empowered Teacher:

Monday, August 17, 2009
@isteconnects "Engage Me or Enrage Me": Lisa Nielsen discusses ways to implement passion based learning. (Love the comments and thoughts.)
@Larryferlazzo Religious Geography of the United States , pretty interesting (First time seeing Flowdata. I like the charts. Could be a great tool for students to use.)
@kdwashburn RT @englishraven: RT @ShellTerrell: Powerful read! Real World vs. Classroom World #education (@jerridkruse of interest) (Yes, we need to stop using this tool for fact learning and start using it as a means to solve problems. No the questions is how? What are some practical ways of doing this?)
@kdwashburn RT @edteck: Just blogged this: Inspire Your Students To Tell A Story With Prezi #edtech (I like Prezi very much, this is a great example of non-linear presentation. The problem that I have with Prezi is that students either need to log in using a email account or you need to purchase.)
@kdwashburn Foundations & Frameworks uses this extensively! RT @web20classroom/ @SuzanneWhisler: "Think alouds" to improve rdg comp. (Great strategy for reading comprehension, but how about instead of thinking aloud taking your thoughts and placing it in a Tweet, Edmodo or Diigo so others can learn from your thoughts while making you comprehend what you have just read.)
@maggiev I cry!! RT @edmodo One teachers Edmodo experience with a student (I love the description of Fred's life, this is so true for many kids today.)
@thecleversheep Super teachers' to be paid more; teach less, in effort to raise achievement levels in Australia. (via @mobbsey) (Take the best teachers and place them in schools that under achieving and pay them well.)

Sunday, August 16, 2009

@mcarlsI haven't been on Ning for a week or so. Did they limit your outstanding friend requests to 50? Trying to greet people @ (Ning for those that use and grow through voicethread.)
@skajderRT @scmorgan: Do teachers need education degrees? NYT Opinion: (Interesting thoughts about how teachers should be trained and compensated.)
@clifmimsIcon_lockNews: The 35 Best iPhone Apps Of The Year (So Far) - TechCrunch (Wish I had a Iphone.)
@girtbysea We're hardwired to google (How the brain hard-wires us to love Google, Twitter, and texting. And why that's dangerous.)
@nharm Social Media Revolution (Nice youtube video on social media revolution.) It is changing the world, are you going to be apart.
@nharm: Twitter in the classroom-from Jane Hart Great Ideas on how to use twitter int he classroom.